Live a More Secure & Prosperous Future
Throw away your electric bill & have unstoppable rent-free electricity for the rest of your life
We Proudly Provide Hybrid Solar Power Solutions
Survive Solar is a solar power company specialized in hybrid function, disaster-resistant, uninterruptible solar power systems.
These systems give the benefits of a traditional grid tied solar power system (selling excess power to the grid provider, buying extra power back if needed, needing a smaller, cheaper overall system size to break even on energy use), while having the capability of automatically decoupling from the power grid in a grid failure, and continuing exclusively on self generated power, which is a typically off-grid only function (per regulation, normal grid tied systems must shut off during a grid down situation to avoid dangerous back feeding of electricity into the grid, which can kill anybody working on electrical lines that are supposed to be un-powered and "safe").
We are strong proponent's of the self generation of electrical power. Between the powerful thunderstorms and almost yearly hurricane strikes, the power grid in our local Florida goes down on a regular basis here. The last hurricane to hit our Florida, hurricane Ian, caused more than two million outages when it hit! After two weeks there were still more than half a million buildings without power! 20 counties were affected and 10 were more than 50% offline.
When a million people go without electricity for a day it is an inconvenience. When half a million people go without electricity for more than two weeks, it's a humanitarian disaster. Your refrigerator stops working, your food spoils and you have nothing to eat. Your water pumps don't work either and you have nothing to drink. You can't get much relief from the super markets since everyone in your town has the same problem and have already swept the shelves clean by the time you get there. Your internet, radio, phone, computer and TV don't work without power, and you better believe that your AC doesn't work either.
Up until the current years, this has just been a fact of life for folks here in Florida and the rest of the world when it comes to natural disasters. However since solar power has already become less expense than grid provided power, there is no need for this kind of disaster to keep existing. Everyone can generate their own electric power, and they can do it for much cheaper than what they are currently paying to their utility provider. If you generate your own electricity, you don't need to be rescued in a grid down situation. Using a hybrid solar power system, the only inconvenience in a grid down situation would be not being able to sell power back to the grid provider, which is small potatoes.
It is our firm belief that humanitarian disasters due to grid failure are a completely preventable problem and a relic of the past, which has no place in the modern day and age of cheap, clean, uninterruptible solar power, generated right where it is going to be used. The grid should no longer be a necessity. Only a convenience.
Solar power generation is a revolutionary, world-changing technology, and we help homeowners and businesses harness the awesome power of the sun, offering the most capable and resilient systems, for the most competitive rates, and helping clients access the best:
clean energy loans
to make the transition to uninterruptible power cheaply and easily as possible. Clean energy loans almost always cover the full amount of the system with minimal hoops to jump through, replacing your "forever" rent to the utility company that gets more expensive every year, with a much cheaper yearly solar bill that goes away forever once the system is paid for in full.
We Also Help with Energy Efficiency Too
On top of offering solar power systems which brings down your price of electricity, we also help folks lower their overall electrical consumption with cutting edge (but still affordable) building insulation products and energy efficient appliances.
Air conditioning is the thing that wastes the power in a typical building. This is due to high cooling demand from not bothering to insulate a building properly, and using older less efficient air conditioning technology. We have the tools and the know-how to attack both problems cheaply and affordably, as well as address more minor issues such water heaters and other large appliances.
Copyright 2023 - Survive Solar LLC
Current Service Area
FL Counties:
Palm Beach
General Inquiries
Business Hours
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM